Sunday, August 7, 2011

Are You Looking for a Job? Be Respectful

When you are looking for a job, show respect. I can almost hear some of you reading this say DUH!. But there is more to showing respect than being polite and courteous.

First, show respect for yourself and for the company you are applying for employment by finding out something about them beyond their storefront. It shows an interest that can make or break the interview process. Find out their mission statement or philosophy then speak to it. This can move you along to the next interview and closer to getting the position. When you understand the company’s mission and philosophy you can answer questions easier and clearer.

A young man I know, a nurse who was looking to improve his chances of becoming a travel nurse by applying for a hospital position. He had a strong resume along with strong recommendations from colleagues and from people in a position to make an impact. His academics were strong with continuing education units to bolster his position and worth to the hospital. He did not get the position. The department he was looking at wanted a commitment of five years and while he was willing to do that, he spoke extensively about moving on to travel nursing. Their philosophy was commitment. He did not speak to the commitment, but to moving on to something else.

What you wear is as important as what you say. While it is great to express your individuality, dressing down, covering tattoos, turning your green hair to a more natural color is appropriate when job hunting and hoping for an interview. Wearing dress slacks and a long-sleeved dress shirt (man or woman) shows respect by taking the process seriously. And in return, you are taken seriously. I cannot count the number of times I spoke with hiring managers who took one look at an applicant and made the decision on the spot not to hire them because of what they were wearing or the garish display of tattoos, piercings and bright colored rainbow streaks in their hair. The consensus was, “Yeah, right, they’re looking for a job? They haven’t got a clue.”

For women, show some respect for yourself by getting hired on your abilities and not how short your skirt is. For you men out there, wearing tight pants to show off your assets or shirts that show your ripped abs and biceps is not likely to get you taken seriously. For anyone who gets hired based on their sex appeal, it will be hard to garner the respect or have your ability to do your job taken seriously. 

Don’t get me wrong. Maybe showing your ink is appropriate if you are applying at a tattoo parlor. Showing your long legs may be totally suitable for applying to exotic dancing. And the guy applying to be a bouncer might want to emphasize his muscle bulk. But even when applying to McDonald’s you cannot go wrong with nice slacks and a long-sleeved dress shirt…even without the tie. Rule of thumb, the more professional the position, the more professional your dress should be.

One last bit on respect – showing respect for yourself, showing respect for the company you are making application to. Stand straight, don’t slouch. Make sure your breath is fresh but ditch the gum and/or breath mint before you get to the interview. Trying to get words around a wad of gum or breath mint is tantamount to talking with your mouth full at the dinner table. Avoid using swear words or slang not part of the culture of the company you are applying to. This can cause misunderstanding and the loss of a job opportunity. 

And finally, never deride or make derogatory comments about previous employers no matter what the circumstances were that separated you from their employment.

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