Saturday, August 13, 2011

What is a Superhero?

There has been a lot of hype and movies over the years about Superheroes. Batman, Superman, Spider Man, Wonder Woman, Ultraviolet have all been written about and immortalized on Hollywood’s big screen. But I have to tell you that my version of what a superhero is has little to do with golden lassos, radioactive spiders or ancient alien civilizations.

A hero is someone who acts despite the fear, despite the obstacles and whose vision focuses beyond themselves. Though they are not perfect, when they add passion and the ability to inspire they begin to reach toward that superhero inside them. I would like to highlight two superheroes becoming…

William has had his share of life’s solid blows that knocked him to his knees then sat on him so he couldn’t stand up. But he did just that. He stood up, he moved forward. He is finding balance in his life of being a husband, a father and a man. He understands his limitations but does not limit himself. 

He is a warrior. No because he joined the military and did a tour in Iraq. Not because he waded through the contaminated waters of Katrina. He was a warrior before he chose a military career. He stepped beyond the expectations of labels. He made decisions as a man should; with deliberation, discussion and without running to his mother to ask permission. Now he stands by his family, with his family and for his family. He plays the cards that life has dealt him and has a winning hand.

He inspires me with his ability to move beyond his physical pain, to engage with his children, to create with his imagination and to smile. A superhero in the works if ever I saw one.

Aaron works, utilizing the education he is still pursuing. He has a family that has special needs. And he consciously continues to improve the man he is. His energy and drive reflects in his family’s energy and drive. Sometimes over-the-top, sometimes reflective and sage, he meets life head-on. 

He shares his experiences with enthusiasm. And not just those experiences that build on the image of a perfect man in an imperfect world. He shares the humbling experiences, the heart-rending experiences that can knock you flat and take your breath away. He opens doors for others to see similar circumstances in their lives from a different perspective.

He is a teacher in all that he does. If I were to name the one thing that defines him, it would be teaching. While he is a nurse, an instructor, a father, a husband, a friend, teacher is at the core of all he does. He brings the student in, gives them the tools to succeed, inspires them to reach beyond themselves and supports them through the ups and downs of learning. This is evident whether in his role as a father or instructor or friend. Definitely a superhero in the works.

1 comment:

  1. William is defiantly a hero in my eyes as he's my hubby and always has been. Thank you for honoring him in this way!
