Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Life is Good Because...

Life is Good Because...the opportunities to see life's treasures motivate me to look for them!

At our all admin meeting, the owner of the company I work for stated the meeting off with "Life is Good Because..." She went around the room and asked each of us to finish that sentence with a personal reason and a corporate reason. She encouraged us to write something each day and place it at the top of our priority lists for that day. I LIKE it!

I have introduced to my kids, who have introduced to their friends, the Positive Perspective as a tool to bring a negative perspective to a more positive one. This fits right into that. If you can start your day with a positive thought, your day will more easily follow the positive.

Oh, yes, life is full of things that can take us away from the positive, adding stress, adding negative thoughts. People who cut you off in traffic, people you interact with that just don't get it,the car not starting and you are going to be lte for work, or that appointment or the movie, your child finding a permanent marker just before going out the door to church and drawing all over the walls, their clothes and their just cleaned face, that boss who keeps asking you for more and more but takes every opportunity to make you feel less and less competent. This and a myriad of other negative sparkers.

But we do not have to live with the negative, stress causing, cortisol stimulating feelings. We can balance it and even wipe out the effects by being positive. Oh yes, easier said than done...I can hear the sarcasm but also the hope in that statement.

I'll lay out the Positive Perspective in another post. For now just know it is possible. And look for the positive things that already exist in your life and that happen every day.

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